Time sure flies when you're having fun!!! It's been two years since I entered the blogging world, and my oh my how I've changed! For the better, but that always happens when you enter another world, atmosphere or culture! If nothing else I've learned how to think bigger than big and to exit that box that society insists on putting me in!!! I enjoy it, I enjoy getting to know other people who feel like I feel, but think and express themselves (fashion wise) differently! I'm inspired, to create more and care LESS!
Family and friends sowed into my dreams and even saw something in me before I did! I constantly underestimate my talent, but I'm becoming comfortable with my gifts and with using them! I still struggle in a few areas, but you are your worst critic and next to struggle is more room for God! =)
My Blog-a-Versary falls on Thrifty Thursday and you know I had to BRING It! I thrifted this stone wash Trench Coat from GoodWill for $5!! I'm in love and there is nothing you can do about it!
Coat and Top - Thrifted
Sequin Tights - Shapelylouise.com (Sold Out)
Belt- Know Style
Shoes- Torrid
"and a Twirl for you..." lol
Necklace- @DivaDiors on IG
Look out there now! I see a mighty Bright future Ahead! I'm dancing into my Destiny! Join me if you dare!
Thank You for following, please continue to witness the journey to the destination!
Today, my Daddy would've been 72! It's not a day that goes by... RIP
Find me on FB, IG or Twitter: @ShapelyLouise is the Handle!
Thank You for following, please continue to witness the journey to the destination!
E. Louise
Happy Blog-A-Versay Doll!!! Keep up the good work! Love that denim jacket!!!
7eventh Letter
RIP to your daddy
You look fab, happy blogeversary! Dance into your purpose girl, i'm dancing too :-)
Confessions Of A City Girl / Check out my eyewear line Enerjiee
Whooo that jacket is hot! Happy blogaversary!
Thank u so much ladies!!
Your outfit looks great and I love especially your coat! Think it match perfectly to your beautiful dark hairs:)
Best Jasmin
wonderful coat you found! and happy bolgaversary...good thing about the blogosphere is that it keeps our look updated :)
will check you out on FB (oomph)/twit/ig (rockoomph)
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